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상품 게시판 상세
제목 아이폰 15 프로맥스 입고시기
작성자 최**** (ip:)
  • 평점 0점  
  • 작성일 2023-12-06
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 147

대략적인 입고시기가 언젠지 알 수 있을까요??

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  • 아**** 2023-12-06 0점
    수정 삭제 댓글
    스팸글 20일전 레딧에 올라온 픽디자인 본사 마케팅팀의 공지입니다.

    An update on iPhone 15 cases!
    Hey everyone, Adam here. I'm Head of Marketing at PD, and wanted to provide an update on our iPhone 15 cases.

    First off, if you haven’t been following our iPhone 15 Action Button Update Program, read our initial post from back in September.

    Secondly, here’s the skinny:

    We now expect updated iPhone 15 Pro & Pro Max cases (with buttons instead of cutouts) to be shipping globally in early December (initial estimate was late November)
    We now expect iPhone 15 Button Fix-It Kits to be ready to ship in early December (initial estimate was mid November)
    In short, they’re almost here, but running 1-3 weeks behind initial estimates. The lag comes from the fact that we’ve basically been developing 2 fixes to this issue at the same time: a button fix-it kit (which is essentially a new product we designed, prototyped, and manufactured), and updated cases (which mainly involved tooling modifications). These parallel efforts involved the same engineers, PMs, and manufacturing partners. And things just ended up going a little bit slower than if we had just focused on making new cases. Timeline aside, we’re really stoked with how everything came together. The new cases are fabulous and the button update kits are really slick, work like a charm, and will save a ton of old cases from getting scrapped.

    Here’s a video of what the updated cases look like:

    And here’s a video of what the Button Update Kits look like and how they install (note that actual update kits will have a color-matching button):

    Lastly, here’s what you need to know:

    Folks who already have a case & have applied to our Button Update Program: This week you’ll get an email containing the same info in this Reddit Post. In early Dec, you’ll get another email containing more information on your free replacement case or free Button Update Kit, depending on what you opted for.

    Folks who ordered a phone case and haven’t received it yet: Our final restocking shipment of cases with cutouts is currently being received into warehouses, meaning that many folks with 15 Pro / Pro Max case backorders will have their shipment go out this week. But that replenishing shipment won’t cover all backorders. Backorders will be fulfilled in the order in which they were placed. If your backorder is fulfilled, you’ll get your case in a week or so and then have the ability to participate in our Button Update Program. If your backorder is not fulfilled in the next week, then your case will ship in early December and it will be an updated model with a button instead of a cutout. Due to the complexity of our fulfillment system, we unfortunately can’t tell you in advance which bucket you’ll fall into, so your best bet is to stay posted to your inbox (you’ll receive an email notification if/when your case ships). We also plan to send folks in this bucket an email this week containing the same information that’s in this post.

    Folks who are waiting to order a case once updated cases are in stock: Your wait will be over in early December when we are fully stocked with updated Pro and Pro Max cases with buttons instead of cutouts. At that time we plan to send an email to our entire subscriber base letting them know the good news.

    In conclusion, thank all of you for your patience and support. When Peak Design made the decision several years ago to get into the mobile accessories space, we knew we were signing up for a lifetime of curveballs and logistical challenges. Every new phone launch presents the risk of some unexpected new feature or function that we have to design around. In 2020 it was MagSafe, and this year it was the Action Button. There will undoubtedly be another thing sometime in the future, and our game plan will be the same: be totally transparent, seek the best possible solutions, and take care of our customers. The ride may not always be totally smooth. But our hope is that every bump in the road is an opportunity to build trust that we’ll always have our customers’ backs.

    Once more, thanks for hanging in there…we’re almost at the finish line with this one. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say we’re almost at the start line.
  • 이**** 2023-12-06 0점
    수정 삭제 댓글
    스팸글 미국은 오늘 액션버튼 문제가 해결된 새로운 버전의 케이스 주문 링크를 버튼문제가 발생한 케이스를 구매한 사람들에게 발송했다고 합니다.
    일단 다 만들어진 것으로 보이고 주요 픽디자인 물류배송지로 옮기고 있는 중인 듯 합니다.
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4931 ▶예약판매◀ 에브리데이 루프 케이스 for iPhone 15 시리즈 - 세이지 컬러 (Pro / Pro Max) 아이폰 15 프로맥스 입고시기 HIT 최**** 2023-12-06 147
4932    답변 아이폰 15 프로맥스 입고시기 HIT 대표 관리자 2023-12-06 224


